Was it You?
A guest of ours is attempting to put together a packet of information regarding pictographs in the canoe country. He’s been on many trips and has photos and information about many different pictograph sites. Last week he met someone who had some information our guest is very interested in. Please read the information below and let me know if this was you or if you know who this was.
"The person we are seeking was part of a group of four awaiting tow from Hook Island the morning of June 22. We gave him a sample copy of one of our sheets and he asked about the white painting on Kawnipi. Without going into the whole conversation, he showed me on his camera a picture of a very bright, white maymaygwishi and told me it was near the marked site on the west side of Kawa Bay, which he could not find. He said it was chipped about 1/16 inch into the rock (unusual!). He said he would be happy to give me a copy of the picture and a description of the location as best he could. We are going to Kawnipi in August to check out the new site in the west end of the lake and revisit some others and would like to chase this one down as well. We scoured that location until we found the noted site there and have not seen this bright white figure. We really could use some accurate information of the image he saw so we can try to find it and try to authenticate it."