Vacation or Staycation at Voyageur
Make some plans to visit Voyageur this summer. The Gunflint Trail is a great place to vacation and we have room for you to stay at Voyageur. There’s plenty to do and see at the end of the Gunflint Trail and we’ll help you plan a short or long get-away.
Cook County is a big place and we invite locals to come experience the Gunflint Trail. We often have last minute openings and we’d love to have you stay with us. Fish on Saganaga Lake with a boat and motor or paddle the BWCA. We can help you plan an awesome day trip for fishing or just paddling in the Boundary Waters.
Folks coming from farther away will certainly enjoy the wonderful wilderness and wildlife. Rarely a day goes by that I don’t see some creature big or small. Grouse, fox, deer, wolves, bear and our favorite the moose are out and about just waiting to impress you. The natural beauty and clean drinking water lakes will lure you back time and time again.
If you’re looking for a great vacation or staycation then give us a call. 1-888-CANOEIT You can find last minute specials on our website like the Riverside Cabin that is open until this Saturday for only $99/night. It’s a 2-bedroom cabin on the Seagull River that includes a canoe rental during your stay. We’d love to have you as our guest!