Take a Kid Ice Fishing
Every summer there is the opportunity to take a kid fishing weekend where people are encouraged to introduce children to the sport of fishing. Now there’s a Take a Kid Ice Fishing weekend in Minnesota.
<%image(20071222-joshicesm.jpg|150|200|null)%>During the last Legislative session, the Minnesota DNR was authorized to provide a free fishing weekend in the winter to promote ice fishing and getting kids outside. Take A Kid Ice Fishing weekend is during the Saturday, Sunday and Monday that coincides with President’s Day. This year, the dates are Feb. 16 -18.
During this designated weekend, any Minnesota resident may fish without and angling license, as long as they are accompanied by a child.This is a great opportunity for parents, grandparents and guardians to get those special kids in their life outdoors enjoying the fun and beauty that is a winter in Minnesota. What better way to celebrate our winter heritage than by trying the age old sport of ice fishing. – Roland Sigurdson, aquatic education specialist, MN DNR Division of Fisheries – MinnAqua