Have You Heard a Frost Quake?
I have listened to the sound of booming ice on the river and the loud cracks and bangs as the house or deck freezes but I don’t think I’ve ever heard a frost quake. I’m not sure I’ve even heard …
I have listened to the sound of booming ice on the river and the loud cracks and bangs as the house or deck freezes but I don’t think I’ve ever heard a frost quake. I’m not sure I’ve even heard …
The temperature wasn’t that cold this morning but the wind made it almost unbearable. Luckily a heat wave is coming for the weekend and we’re supposed to see temperatures up into the 20’s and maybe even a degree above 30. …
It seems people experiencing the “Polar Vortex” are coming up with some fun activities to experience what “Minnesota Cold” is all about. News reporters are freezing t-shirts, frozen bubbles are dotting decks and many people are throwing hot water into …