Swimming through the Snow
I decided to go for a swim in our river. When I stepped outside it was snowing so hard I couldn’t even see to take my first step. I thought maybe the snow was sticking to my glasses and when I tried to wipe them I realized I had a wedding veil on. I pulled the veil off and could see enough to walk to the shore. When I got there I realized ice had formed overnight. In the middle of the river other people were swimming so I thought I could make it out by using a canoe to cross the ice. Then I woke up.
What on earth was I dreaming? Obviously too many things are floating through my mind and the only thing that would have made the dream complete would have been a sled dog chasing a pig.(Mush meets Ham).
Thoughts of current and upcoming events do not escape me in my sleep. We’re at a waterpark in Wisconsin Dells for the kid’s spring break from school. This might be the swimming portion of the dream. The snow and ice could be the talk about still having winter in July and the veil most likely represents the 3 plus weddings we’re invited to this year.
Mike’s siblings decided this was their year to get married. Mike’s parents are celebrating their 40th Anniversary this year, Mike and I our 17th year of marriage and finally his siblings, ages 36, 33 and 26, are all getting married for their first time. One wedding at the end of April, one in June and the other in August. Hence trying to wear a wedding veil while performing summer duties of a canoe outfitter. Needless to say it should be interesting.
These are the thoughts that do not escape me at night while I sleep so you can imagine what my brain looks like during the daytime. Scary I know. Then you wonder why I can’t find my room amongst the 700 other rooms at this maze of a motel/waterpark in Wisconsin Dells. At least it’s not snowing out and there isn’t a wedding veil in sight.