Still Got Snow on the Gunflint Trail
Much of the northland received rain over the weekend. That rain did its best to eat away at the nice snow base we had on the northshore of Lake Superior. Fortunately the rain stayed close to the big Lake Superior and it didn’t destroy our snow piles on the Gunflint Trail.
The good news is it looks like we’ll be having a white Christmas on the Gunflint Trail. Temperatures are to remain cold and even drop into the single digits for the high temperature later close to Christmas. With snow flurries in the forecast it looks like we’re going to have snow for Christmas and that’s a good thing.
The cold weather has helped freeze over all but the biggest lakes on the Gunflint Trail. Gunflint Lake and Saganaga Lake still have open water but shouldn’t for long with the cold temperatures in the forecast. Ice fishing in the BWCA opens at the end of the month and the current conditions will make for easy travel and no slush if we don’t get a big dumping of snow. We all know conditions can change in a hurry but I’m thankful we have snow to make it look and feel like Christmas.