Spring or Not?
Yesterday looked, felt and sounded like a spring day. The roof was dripping, the sun was shining and the thermometer read over 40 degrees. I could hear the familiar song of the white breasted sparrow singing in the trees like a summer morning. The pecking of the woodpecker and caw of the crow could also be heard intermittently throughout the day. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a seagull or eagle soar overhead or hear the sound of spring peepers.
Today I see in the forecast we could get up to 2 inches of fresh snow. I’m hoping for a few more inches of the white stuff so we have ideal trail conditions for the Mush for a Cure on Saturday. The temperatures are forecasted to be below 32 degrees so I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the warm spring like weather will wait to arrive until after Saturday’s event.
On Monday morning it was back to being dark outside when I took the kids to the bus. Thanks to Daylight Savings it isn’t broad daylight at 6:30 in the morning and the sun stays out longer into the afternoon. It’s always difficult to convince the kids to go to bed when the sun hasn’t fallen completely below the trees. I’m afaid it’s only going to get harder to convince them it is bedtime while the days keep getting longer.
Am I ready for spring? Not really. I haven’t had my fill of winter yet and feel cheated that Madison, Wisconsin got all of our snow this year. There’s plenty left up here on the ski trails and in the woods so I still have time to get out and enjoy it. If you still have time then be sure to come up for a visit, we have openings yet this March at Voyageur and we’d love to see you up here. You better hurry though, spring will be here soon, ready or not.