Spring is in the Air
March 20th marked the first day of spring but you could have fooled me with the temperature. It didn’t look like spring on my thermometer when I woke up since it read only 6 degrees. It didn’t feel like spring when I stepped outside either. It didn’t take long for the bright sun to warm everything up and the thermometer even reached 40 degrees.
The blue skies and bright sun have been permanent fixtures in the Gunflint Trail sky. The daylight hours continue to get longer and on the 20th it was also the spring equinox, equal hours of day and night. The longer hours of daylight and the warm temperatures are taking their toll on our snowbanks.
I wish I were ready for the snow to be gone. I still want to cross-country ski, downhill ski and snowshoe to my favorite BWCA lake trout lake before the season ends. There’s plenty of snow left in the woods but the roads are clear and the snowbanks are getting smaller. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since it is now officially spring and spring is definitely in the air.