Spring equinox on the Gunflint Trail
It’s that time of the year again for the equinox. Today is when the hours of day and night are equal in length. After today the days get longer and longer. The longer days bring warmer temperatures to the Gunflint Trail but we don’t see flowers popping up or butterflies flittering about. In fact, we can’t see the ground at all because it is still covered in snow. Cross-country skiiers love this time of the year for the spring snow conditions.
The sun rises due east and sets due west today because it is on the celestial equator. The sun’s arc will shift toward the north each day and the place where the sun rises and sets will change as well.
While some people are seeing their trees begin to bud and are getting out their rakes we’re still looking at a white ground and keeping our shovels handy for at least another month.
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