Signs of Spring But Still Looks Like Winter on the Gunflint Trail
If you take a deep breath you can smell spring in the air but when you open your eyes it still looks like winter on the Gunflint Trail. Of course there are signs that spring is on the way but there are stark reminders that it has not yet arrived.
The ground is covered in snow and the lakes are filled with ice. The temperature has dipped below zero this past week and most nights have been below freezing. The sunshine feels warm and we’ve had some days with temperatures up into the 50’s but just not enough to make a big impact.
The animals are ready for spring and are surely wondering when it will come. Ducks that sometimes grace the river or ponds by this time of the year are out of luck. Spring peepers can’t be heard alongside the road. The early loons are no where to be seen but the bald eagles have returned in search of open water.
Yes there are signs of spring on the Gunflint Trail but winter still has its hold on the Gunflint Trail.