Running on the Gunflint Trail
This past weekend Voyageur was host to the Girl’s Cross-Country Running Team from Cathedral High School in St. Cloud, MN. For the last 5 or so years the team has driven up to Voyageur to spend a weekend at the end of the Gunflint Trail. This year there were 52 girls and 15 adults who made the journey North for a quick weekend of running and team building. The girls enjoyed paddling, swimming, relaxing, and running their annual Predict A Mile Race.
In this race the girls must guess how long it will take them to run a mile on Sag Lake Trail with all of the hills; whoever guesses closest to their actual time wins. Abby had a friend over this weekend so the three of us predicted it would take us 21 minutes to run the mile and the girls surprised me by finishing the mile in 12:47! Not too bad for a couple of 1st grade girls!
Voyageur is a great place to build team spirit and Cathedral is a great team. Best of luck for a wonderful season and school year to all of the Cross-Country Runners at Cathedral.