Mush Will Go On
The Mush for a Cure is a fundraiser for the National Breast Cancer Foundation whose participants raised over $25,000. at last year’s event. This year event organizers added a Pink Prom Pasta Party and The Bald, The Brave and The Beautiful for Friday night before the race. Organizers are hopeful this will help achieve their goal of raising over $30,000 this year even though they are not sure what to expect with the economy.
Sarah Hamilton, owner of
With men and women dressed in pink prom dresses Friday night
Saturday, March 13th the fun begins early at Gunflint Pines Resort on
More information can be found at http://www.mushforacure.
Please call to request photos. 218-388-2224
Schedule of Events-
5:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Pre-Registration for the mushers that are in town and have their pledges ready. Registration coordinator Phyllis and her crew would appreciate pre-registering as many teams as possible on Friday night. That way she and her volunteers aren’t rushing to tally at the last minute and you won’t have to stand outside the fish house on Saturday!
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Cut For a Cure Andrea Peterson from Studio 61 Hair in Grand Marais is back with chair and shears. Haircuts are $10 each with monies going to Mush For a Cure!
5:00 – 8:00 p.m.: Pink Pasta Party open to the general public wanting to meet the mushers running on Saturday that are in town and available on Friday night. Cost $6.00, MFAC participants eat free!
5:00 – 9:00 p.m.: The Bald, The Brave and The Beautiful(?) Competition. We have a few brave souls that are willing to literally “put their heads on the line” by having their heads shaved if enough money is raised! There are two competitions going on at once…the man who raises the most money in each competition gets to “take it all off” (their hair that is). You don’t have to wait until Friday night, send in your vote now. Make your check out to Mush For a Cure and put in the memo “BBB and the name of the guy you would MOST LIKE TO SEE HAVE THEIR HEAD SHAVED. The contestants are:
Ring #1
Chief Deputy, LEIF “Remind Me Again, Why I Said I’d Do This” LUNDE
Ring #2
Gunflint Trail VFD Chief MIKE “Good Thing I Sleep With My Hat On“ PROM
Deputy Chief, BOB “I’m Good Looking Enough, I Don’t Need Hair” BAKER
8:00 – 10:00 p.m.: NEW THIS YEAR…Pink Prom!!!!!!! at 8:00 there will be a Grand March for everyone who wishes to attend The Pink Prom. We’ll have a band playing music as an appetizer to Saturday night’s Finisher’s Party.
9:00 p.m.: Pink Prom King and Queen Crowning come and see who is most popular in pink and voted King and Queen. While the royalty is enjoying their victory dance, the Bald, Brave and Beautiful monies will be tallied. (King and Queen get “first shave” on the heads of the BB & B competitors)
9:30 p.m.: The Bald, The Brave and The Beautiful HEAD SHAVING!!!! Whoever has more money in their bank account at the end of the night between the two pairs will have less hair as he will have his head shaved.
9:00 a.m. – 11:00: Musher check-in/Registration and Pancake Breakfast at Gunflint Pines.
10:00 a.m.: Skijor Start at the
11:00 a.m.: Musher Meeting on
12:00 noon: Sled Team Mass Sourdough Start on
Noon-3:00: Opportunities to see the dog teams along the trail. Suggested sites: Start: Gunflint Pines, Gunflint Resort. Along the trail:
2:00-5:00: Finish at
5:00-6:00′ish: Awards/Prizes Prize selection to largest pledge collector(s) in order, and fun trophies for special awards at the big tent on
7-10:00: Finishers Dance Hang out on the Gunflint Trail for a great time with Sarah and the gang at