Local USFS District Ranger Does Good

     Being a District Forest Service Ranger isn’t an easy job but someone’s got to do it.  That someone in the Gunflint District is Dennis Neitzke.  You may be familiar with the name from a campaign a few years back that had bumper stickers circulating Grand Marais that said, "Save the Vegetables, Dump Dennis."

     As a District Ranger tough decisions have to be made and that’s why they get paid the big bucks.  The great money and the opportunity to live in a friendly little town like Grand Marais has kept Dennis around for quite a few years now. 

     While not everyone has respect for the Forest Circus, I mean Forest Service, I do have a deep respect for our District Ranger Dennis.  Sorry about the Circus slip but it’s all I can think of when I picture Dennis in his green USFS outfit with pink hair!  How can you not respect a person who is willing to not just have his head shaved but also to color his hair pink for 10 days for Mush for a Cure? 

     Dennis has great hair folks and it would be a shame to see it colored pink but something deep inside of me would love to see him with pink hair.  I think there are alot of people who would like to see him with pink hair too.  Just how much do we want to see him with pink locks?  $5000 much?  I sure hope so, we’re one fifth of the way with $1450 raised already.   Help us color Dennis pink by donating online today.  Come on folks, think pink! It’s Valentine’s Day and Mush for a Cure is right around the Corner.


Color me pink please!