Happy to Have Labor
Labor Day is one of those days that doesn’t mean much when you’re an owner of a travel destination business. I guess I should define "much." While some folks don’t have to work on Labor Day the opposite is true for business owners of a resort or canoe outfitter. We’re busy laboring while others are enjoying a day off.
This Labor Day is bittersweet for some people I imagine. With the unemployment rate higher than normal I’m sure there are folks who would love to be able to go to work today. While complaints can always be heard around a workplace(even at Voyageur) there are more complaints these days about where money for the next car or house payment are going to come from. We’re very happy to have guests at Voyageur that we can labor for this Labor Day.
This Labor Day looks like it’s going to be a beautiful one on the Gunflint Trail. We’re not only thankful for work to do but also for the family visiting us over this gorgeous weekend.
Happy Labor Day Everyone!