Gunflint Trail Historical Society Meeting
Two Years and Two Hundred and some Thousand Dollars. This is what we have left to get the Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center pulled together. On Memorial Day we had a Gunflint Trail Historical Society Meeting and the main topic of conversation was the Museum.
The Chik Wauk Museum and Nature Center has been the focus of the GTHS since it began three years ago. It will be an amazing museum when it is completed. Split Rock Design Studios along with GTHS Trustees have been planning and creating incredible displays for visitors to enjoy. Historical information, photos and items have been collected for the museum, nature trails have been plotted and clearing has begun. There has been much work done on the actual building already and there is much more to do.
Fundraising for Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center continues. Money has been obtained through grants, gifts, donations and memberships. People have also donated money in memory or honor of a special person or for a special person’s birthday or anniversary. Donations of all sizes are welcome and volunteers are always needed for various tasks.
This is a very exciting project and I hope you will all take the time to learn more about it by visiting the Historical Society Website. Please show your support of this worthwhile endeavor by becoming a member or donating your time or money. The Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center will be a place to remember and we want you to be a part of this initial excitement.