Getting Things Done at Voyageur
We’re blessed at Voyageur this year because we already have some helpers on board and ready for the season. Ron and Elsa have returned from the Phillippines and Elsa has been keep us all well fed. She’s also had time to deep clean the kitchen, vaccuum seal outfitting food and sew some items from the repair pile. It’s awesome to have her and Ron here.
John is back from his winter business on Red Lake and with him is John. John #2 or JD as we’ll call him worked with John this winter and was such a good worker John said we needed to hire JD for the summer. I hate to admit it but John was right. JD has been awesome to have around and the guys are getting all sorts of things done. I have to mention Josh loves JD since JD brought along a Nerf Machine Gun for him to play with. Now Josh is saving money for another one so JD can play with him in his spare time!
They have been working outside with Chad who works part-time with us at Voyageur. They pulled up all of the patio blocks in front of the store and replaced them with decking that looks terrific. There was alot more involved in the project that required shovels and a big man’s toy but they are getting the job done and it’s going to make the store much nicer because not as much dirt will get dragged in.
I love it when things on my to-do list get crossed off without me physically having to do it! Our checkbook may not like it but our guests will and that’s what is the most important to us at Voyageur. We can’t wait for you all to come see the work that’s getting done.