Don’t Know Much About History
But I am learning something now! Isn’t it strange how we are forced to learn things in school that we have absolutely no interest in at the time? I don’t understand why we need to make some teachers miserable with our presence in their classrooms if we know we won’t like what they are trying to teach us. I know all kids need to learn how to read and text but most other subjects are questionable these days.
Maybe that’s a bit extreme but with the way the world is now, is it really? With texting so popular people no longer need to write an entire sentence or word for that matter. Twitter only allows 140 characters for people to get their story out so it is near impossible to use complete sentences. Who has time to capitalize and punctuate when they are live chatting with friends online?
I apologize for getting off on a tangent (is that a math and English term)? I guess I want to apologize to Mr. Kjera, my history teacher my sophomore year, I couldn’t have cared less about whatever it was you were saying then, but now I do enjoy learning about history. Mrs. Marquardt, I know you did your best to teach me math and if you are reading this then you’ll take comfort in knowing I am finally learning my multiplication table along with my children but I still use my fingers. She was my math teacher my Junior and Senior year, bless her heart. As long as I’m at it, to those teachers who taught subjects I can’t even remember the names of any longer, I’m sorry I was a hellion. Especially my computer teacher, it was just much more fun to try to type with my nose since I was so fast with my fingers. And Rogo, I’m really right-handed. He was my gym teacher who never knew how I could letter in three sports but not manage to hit a badminton birdie or tennis ball. It was my goal in high school gym to not break a sweat. I may as well thank the ones I did enjoy throughout the years of my academics… Hmmm. Hang on… I know I will think of one… Oh yes, Mrs. Kimball! My most favorite teacher of all time. Elementary music class, she and Mister Hook were the best, thank you for instilling a love of music in me. Mr. Mages was great, Mrs. Crane tops, Mrs. Braun good and of course Senora Eikhoff my tolerant Spanish Teacher of 3 years, Entonces…
Back to the present or actually the past because I’m talking about History but that we just learned about yesterday. Oh, I’m happy I don’t have to pick the correct form of the Spanish verb for this entry.
We woke up somewhere in
The highlight of the day was not running out of gas but was visiting
The person who came up with the idea to create the monument did so to promote tourism in the area. I refuse to mention his name, one because I can’t remember it and two because it was probably someone else’s idea he just got credit for anyway. The point is there were people in the area who didn’t want to destroy the natural beauty of the
We did a drive by of Crazy Horse on our way to the nation’s 1st National Monument. Oddly enough the time it took to drive from
One day, an Indian tribe was camped beside the river and seven small girls were playing at a distance. The region had a large bear population and a bear began to chase the girls. They ran back toward their village, but the bear was about to catch them. The girls jumped upon a rock about three feet high and began to pray to the rock, “Rock, take pity on us; Rock, save us.” The rock heard the pleas of the young girls and began to elongate itself upwards pushing them higher and higher out of reach of the bear. The bear clawed and jumped at the sides of the rock, and broke its claws and fell to the ground. The bear continued to jump at the rock until the girls were pushed up into the sky, where they are to this day in a group of seven little stars (the Pleiades). The marks of the bear claws are there yet. As one looks upon the tower and contemplates its unique-ness, it isn’t hard to imagine this legend as a fact.
I will have to fill you in about the rest of the day, including running out of gas, later. We did stop at Wall Drug but I forgot to bring my water bottle in for my free water, bummer. We need to get on the Trail now, not the Gunflint but the
Happy Trails to you!