Don from Voyageur
Don Kufahl, along with his wife Marilyn have been a part of the Voyageur Crew since the Fall of 2001. If you have ever been to Voyageur then you would know who Don is. He is a tall, friendly, guy who takes care of everything going on outside from sun up to sundown and rarely ever takes a break. On Tuesday he and Marilyn left to attend a wedding in Chicago, a much needed break after the long summer season. They spent the night in Eau Claire, WI and in the morning Don did not feel good. They called 911 and rushed him to the hospital where it was determined he had suffered from an aneurysm. They performed an angiogram to try and determine where the aneurysm occured in order to go in and repair it but were unable to locate it. They needed to put a stent in his head to drain fluid from around the brain to reduce swelling. He is currently in the Critical Care Unit awaiting another angiogram so they can attempt to repair the damage caused by the aneurysm. Please keep both Don and Marilyn in your prayers. If you would like to send a card then please contact us and we will give you the address of the hospital.