Better to be in the Boundary Waters
Soccer games, volleyball practice, PTA open house, birthday parties and more for me last week. Paddling and camping in the BWCA for Mike. If I had a choice I would have definitely chosen the Boundary Waters over the real world, unfortunately no one asked me.
It was an absolutely gorgeous week for camping in the wilderness and it’s another great weekend for it. It’s so difficult to be inside on these beautiful, 70 degree, sunny sky days. Canoe groups are still heading out and are so happy with this September’s weather. The average daytime high temperature is almost 73 degrees and we’ve only received .25 inches of rain the whole month. The high temperature today is expected to reach 80 degrees.
On days, weeks and months like these it’s so much better to be in the Boundary Waters then any other place on earth. Come see for yourself.