A Trip Up the Gunflint Trail

“You live in Grand Marais and you have never taken your kids to see the walleye spawn?”  This was the question our now deceased crew member Mark Ceminsky asked a friend of ours a few years ago. Then he made our friend promise to take his family up to the end of the Gunflint Trail to see them spawn sometime.

Our friend made good on his promise to Mark and took his family on a drive up the Gunflint on Saturday. I believe Mark accompanied this family along the way. Mom, Dad, two kids and Grandma had barely been on the road 20 minutes before they spotted a moose on the road. Then a large black bear crossed the road in front of them. After that a fox trotted alongside the road, a bear appeared in the ditch and another moose moseyed along.  One more moose was spotted before they got to Trail’s End to see a flurry of activity in the water. Walleyes of every shape and size, too numerous to count could be spotted swimming in the current.  On their way back to Grand Marais they spotted one more moose.

What a wonderful experience for this family to have. And just think Mark, it’s all because you encouraged them to take a trip up the Gunflint Trail.

Gunflint Trail
Moose on the Gunflint Trail


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