A Job I Wish I Had
I can’t think of a better way to spend the summer than being out in the canoe country. I know I live close to the Boundary Waters and Quetico Park but there’s a difference between that and actually being in the woods. I’m not dreaming of being on a portage crew either, that’s too much work. But the job I wish I had was that of Layne Kennedy.
Layne Kennedy is a professional photographer who is working on a new book about the canoe country. He has been out paddling and camping in the BWCA and Quetico almost all summer long. His work involves taking pictures. WOW, isn’t that a job so many of us dream about having? I love taking pictures and I love the wilderness and I would love his job. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job too, but I think I would love his even more.
If you want to find out more about his "job" then be sure to check out his website. There’s a sampling of great photographs to look at too. Now if I can just find a publisher who wants me to make a book about the canoe country wilderness…