Woah, Look at all the Wildlife
There’s always something exciting happening in our neck of the woods it seems. Thursday night it was seeing a bull moose with a nice rack along with a cow. I hadn’t seen a bull in quite some time so it was great to know he’s out there. Mum’s the word on where or he’ll be dead meat come October during the moose hunt.
The wildlife is getting more active and you definitely have to be alert when driving up here. A black bear darted into the woods Thursday night as well as numerous fox. Friday morning on our way to the bus stop we saw a doe with three fawns. When they first emerged from the woods I thought they were a pack of wolves because I had never seen so many deer running together like that up here. We also saw a fox and a moose on our road this morning. I couldn’t tell if it was Malachai because it made it into the woods too quickly. That makes me think it wasn’t Malachai because he’s never in that much of a hurry.
Thursday afternoon I was sitting in a new shop near the US Forest Service building in Grand Marais and what did I spy crossing the road? A black bear! They have been popping up all over town in people’s yards that have apple trees in them. When the locals complain about the bears I smile and say, "If you hadn’t come up into the woods to pick all of their blueberries then they wouldn’t have to come to town to eat your apples."
Such is life at Voyageur Canoe Outfitters in northeastern Minnesota.