Winter is Hanging On
The forecast for today says we could get 2-6 inches of new snow! Wouldn’t that be something? I went out cross-country skiing yesterday and was pleasantly surprised with the conditions. It got a little bit soft and slushy where the sun was hitting the snow but overall it was wonderful. I still need 12 more kilometers to reach my 200 kilometer goal for the season so I’m glad this week’s forecast is calling for some freezing temperatures. I just might reach my goal after all.
Today will find us at Lutsen Mountain downhill skiing. We didn’t get there at all last year so we really wanted to make it at least once this year. We pre-purchased tickets which is the main driving force today since the kids would rather stay home. I’m sure we’ll have a fun time once we get there.
Some of you are probably enjoying spring like temperatures and running on pavement already. I’ll be thinking of you as I ski the slopes today.