Voyageur’s Shade of Green
We have always cared about the environment and the natural world we live in. You can read about our efforts to be green on our website’s new page where we have written down our committment to be green. We are lucky at Voyageur to be able to offer sustainable eco-tourism to our guests.
What exactly does that mean? According to this website, Ecotourism is "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of local people." Sometimes it is defined as a sub-category of sustainable tourism or a segment of the larger nature tourism market. It includes an interpretation/learning experience, is delivered to small groups by small-scale businesses, and stresses local ownership, particularly for rural people.
Sustainable Tourism embraces all segments of the industry with guidelines and criteria that seek to reduce environmental impacts, particularly the use of non-renewable resources, using measurable benchmarks, and to improve tourism’s contribution to sustainable development and environmental conservation
Sustainable Ecotourism –
- Minimizes environmental impacts using benchmarks
- Improves contribution to local sustainable development
- Requires lowest possible consumption of non-renewable resources
- Sustains the well-being of local people
- Stresses local ownership
- Supports efforts to conserve the environment
- Contributes to biodiversity
Find out more by visiting our website today.