Voyageur Crew does Double Duty
When you are a member of the Voyageur Crew it is a given that you will end up pulling double duty. Whether it’s volunteering for the Mush for a Cure, Ham Run Half-Marathon or planting trees there is something you will end up doing that doesn’t necessarily fit your job description. Many times it is for non-profit entities but it doesn’t seem to matter, our Voyageur Crew is always willing to help out wherever help is needed.
Today it was in town at the Voyageur Brewing Company in Grand Marais, Minnesota. The glamorous job of brewing beer never seems to highlight the cleaning of kegs and that is what one of our Voyageur Canoe Outfitter crew members did for more than 8 hours today. Another Voyageur crew member helped build an area for materials that can be recycled. Even though they had to drive over an hour each way they did their tasks with a smile on their faces.
Tony and Hannah deserve all of the Kudos for a job well done in hiring our flexible, top-notch crew members of Voyageur Canoe Outfitters who will do whatever they need to do no matter where they have to do it. Thanks VCO crew members, you are the best!

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