There’s Smoke in the Air
But don’t worry, it isn’t from a raging forest fire it’s a controlled burn set by the USFS. It’s one of a few they had intended to burn earlier this month but conditions were not favorable. Now that conditions have changed there will no doubt be more smoke in the air to be seen and smelled.
Superior National Forest – Kawishiwi Ranger District
Kekekabic Prescribed Burn
Fact Sheet
October 14, 2010 – 6:30 pm
There are several units within the Kekekabic Burn area that will be ignited as weather permits. Unit 302 is 1260 acres, Unit 310 is 1450 acres. Unit 316 is 900 acres.
* Unit 316, located near the northwestern end of Kekekabic Lake, was ignited beginning at 12:45 on Thursday afternoon, October 14. Lighting continued throughout the day. The ignition helicopters then moved into Unit 310, located east of Kekekabic Lake, and continued lighting until early evening. Ignition will continue on Friday, October 15, in Unit 310 and into Unit 302.
Responsible Agency: USDA Forest Service
Legal Description: Unit 302: T64N R6W Sec 6, 7, 8, 18; T64N R7W Sec 11, 12, 13, 14
Unit 310: T64N R6W Sec 6; T64N R7W Sec 1, 2, 11, 12; T65N R6W Sec 31; T65N R7W Sec 35, 36
Unit 316: T64N R7W Sec 2, 3, 4, 5; T65N R7W Sec 27, 32, 33, 34, 35
General Location: Lake County, North and East of Ely approximately 30 miles. The units are in the area of Kekekabic Lake.
Objectives: Reduce the fuel loading of 0 to 3 inch woody fuels in the blowdown affected areas by 60-100% through the application of prescribed fire.
Resources and Personnel: Each burn day, helicopters will be utilized for aerial ignition. Fire crews will be in place on the ground. Public Safety crews will be working with Wilderness visitors both on the water and on the Kekekabic Trail.
Portage and Campsite Closures: The portages affected: Strup to Wisini Lake, Ahmakose to Wisini Lake, Kekekabic to Strup, Kekekabic to Pickle Lake, Pickle to Spoon Lake, Spoon to Dix Lake, Dix to Skoota Lake, Missionary to Skoota Lake. The campsites affected: all campsites on Strup Lake; all campsites on Wisini Lake; all eleven campsites on the west end of Kekekabic Lake; all campsites on Pickle Lake; all campsites on Dix Lake; all campsites on Skoota Lake; all three campsites on the west end of Spoon Lake (some Spoon Lake and Kekekabic Lake campsites will remain open unless posted closed). The trails affected: Kekekabic Trail from the Strup Lake to Kekekabic Lake portage to Harness Lake and includes the spur trail in Section 31 (south of Kekekabic Lake).
Social Impacts: Smoke may be visible throughout the burn process. Travelers in the area may hear or see aircraft. For more information:Kawishiwi Ranger District, 218-365-7600 Gunflint Ranger District, 218-387-1750