Stuck in the Muck
In yesterday’s blog I told about a moose being stuck in a snowbank. What I didn’t tell you was Mark said the moose looked very pregnant. That was what reminded me of the story about a kayaking experience when I was pregnant.
It was the fall of 1999 and I was pregnant with Abby. During my pregnancy I gained about 50 pounds of weight which is quite alot on a 5’4" frame. I love to go hiking, canoeing, swimming and pretty much every other outdoor activity. With an extra 50 pounds and a big baby in the belly I would get extremely winded when I would go on walks. I would also tire out very easily.
One beautiful fall day I was bored beyond belief and wanted to do something outside. By October the water was too cold for swimming which was the one thing that kept me sane that entire summer. I tried to go on a hike but didn’t make it very far. Then I thought I could go on a bike ride but I was so out of balance I didn’t make it out of the driveway. I asked Mike to go canoeing with me but I think he was afraid I would sink the canoe. Finally I decided I would go kayaking by myself.
I should have known it wasn’t a very good idea when I couldn’t zip my life vest up all of the way. But determined to get out and enjoy the great outdoors I asked Mike to help me get into the kayak. Down on the dock I eased my way into the kayak cockpit but when Mike let go of the kayak so I could start paddling it was obvious the only place I would go was under the water.
Managing to get into the cockpit of the kayak was the easy part. When I attempted to get out of the kayak is when things got a little tricky. I could barely budge my belly out of the hole and there was no way I was going to get my feet beneath me to stand up. I suggested Mike get the bobcat or a come along to aid in the lifting. Somehow, without the help of the bobcat or other lifting device I was removed from the kayak without getting wet.
Oh the joys of pregnancy, how I don’t miss them. While I wasn’t stuck in muck I know exactly how that momma moose felt.