
     Ever wonder how someone came up with the word "squirt"?  I’m wondering it right now but I’m not about to spend time looking it up on the internet because I don’t have time to do that.  In fact, I don’t have time to do much right now.  I don’t know how many of you are on Facebook but a funny thing popped up on my wall today.  It was one of those quizzes people send around that your name gets put in and it said, "Do you think Susan Prom showers every day?"  I had to chuckle since I’m still sitting in my pajamas and haven’t even put my contacts in yet.  And in case you are wondering, I don’t shower every day.

     Back to the Squirts, as in Silver Bay Squirt Hockey which my 9-year old son Josh is a player on.  Last night they had their first play-off game in Duluth and the good news is they won!  It is good news especially since they had a tournament over the weekend and played three games.  Their game on Sunday went into triple overtime starting with 5 against 5, then 4 against 4, then 3 against 3 and finally a shoot-out.  The boys were completely exhausted after the long weekend.

     The reason I hesitantly say it is good news is because it means they have two more games to play before the season is over.  Normally this is a good thing because I love to watch the team play and Josh loves to play.  It’s just that now there is practice tonight, a game on Thursday night in Duluth and their final game next Tuesday in Duluth.  My schedule doesn’t have room for 2 more 6 hour trips to Duluth and back before Mush for a Cure on the 11th. 

     My schedule doesn’t have room for much of anything right now as it is already pretty full.  Tonight’s the practical test for our EMT class, tomorrow there’s a meeting for the class trip to Wolf Ridge and on Thursday I am suppose to be at a PTA meeting but will instead be heading to Duluth for hockey.  The weekend is suprisingly empty(I think) but then next week Monday there’s a practice before the big game on Tuesday night and then Wednesday morning I leave for Wolf Ridge for a two-night stay at the Environmental Learning Center.  We get back at the end of the school day on Friday, March 11th and will head immediately up to Trail Center to set up for the Pink Masquerade Ball. 

     So, that’s why I’m thinking about squirts today. Say that word out loud a few times, it just doesn’t even sound like a word.  Water squirts out of a shower, hmm, I wonder if Susan Prom will shower today?