Snowy Fun Near Ely

Superior National Forest
Ole Lake

A friend planned a weekend get-away that was right up my alley. We drove over to Ely and rented a cabin on Burntside Lake at Camp Du Nord. I didn’t know what to expect but what I found was a magical place covered with pine trees on the edge of the Boundary Waters.

Today we went hiking through the woods. There wasn’t enough snow to snowshoe or cross-country ski but there wasn’t too much that we couldn’t walk on the trails. We hiked the Ole Lake Loop for a total of around 8 miles.

Camp Du Nord

Ole Lake was frozen over with a light covering of snow but Burntside is still completely open. The creeks are still flowing with water and the ground is not yet frozen. A light snow fell from the sky throughout our hike and it was an absolutely beautiful day.

Superior National Forest

Boundary Waters Ely


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