Oh Canada
I apologize to all of my Canadian neighbors for not keeping up on what the Ham Lake Fire is doing up there. After the fire raged through Sag Lake Trail it jumped the narrows and started burning on the East side of the narrows. It then continued eastward toward the Granite River near Maraboeuf and spotted some to the north. The wind has been changing directions constantly and the fire made a major run along the entire northern side of Gunflint Lake the other night. It also spotted farther to the north of Gunflint and to the south of Saganaga. I heard today Horseshoe Island was burning but it hasn’t been confirmed. I also heard some people were being evacuated from Saganaga via helicopters and planes. I do not know if this is true but the wind has been pushing Southeast today and it very well could be up on the Canadian side of Saganaga. There has been black smoke surrounding us for the past week so it is hard to tell just where all of the fires are burning. I will update the blog when I know more for sure.
Things are going ok today for yet another Red Flag Warning Day on the Gunflint Trail. So far we haven’t had to evacuate anyone so let’s keep outrfingers crossed. Crews are working hard at changing propane on sprinkler systems, putting up more systems, and trying to keep ahead of the 25 mph gusts of wind that tend to send sparks flying far ahead of the fire.
It’s time to ask Mother Nature for a favor and ask her to bring us some rain.