Nuts and Bolts
The first thing that came to my mind when I looked outside of my window this morning was nuts and bolts. Why on earth would that come to my mind? Because it is part of a familiar cheer, "Nuts and Bolts, Nuts and Bolts, We got SCREWED!"
I apologize for the language this morning but that’s how I felt when I saw no new snow on the ground. What a major disappointment after all of the hoopla about a snowstorm and promises of 8-12 inches of new snow. Not a flake fell on the ground at Voyageur.
I guess I should look on the bright side. The temperature got down into single digits so at least the mud in my yard is frozen.
In other Voyageur news… I went to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center with Abby’s class on March 9-11th and had a fabulous time. I learned so much at the classes and can’t wait to go back. One of the classes was about birds and they caught a redpoll to show us among other things how they band a bird to learn more about their behavior.
Now that I recognize a redpoll I have an entire flock of them at my feeder. They are busy beautiful birds and I am so glad they are here. Who knows, maybe they are here because the snowstorm isn’t.