No Excuse to Be Bored this Weekend
Looking for something to do this weekend? A wilderness canoe trip or a stay at Voyageur would prevent boredom as well as all of the other activities happening in and around Grand Marais.
Northern Landscapes Festival
North House Folk School, Grand Marais, MN
Friday, May 31- 7:30pm at North House Folk School
Raptor Migration: Meet the Birds! with Erin Manning,
Animal Program Coordinator of Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
All birds are not created equal when it comes to migration. Learn how raptors migrate, and why they do so. Meet 3 live raptors: a red-tailed hawk, a peregrine falcon and a great-horned owl. All of Wolf Ridge’s education raptors are permanently injured and cannot be released back to the wild. Hear their personal stories and find out what makes raptors unique in the migration world.
Saturday, June 1
Families of Birds: FREE Family Workshop
9:30 am-11:30 am meet at North House Folk School
Not only are bird families interesting, but birding as a family is fun too! Your family can learn about their families at this introduction to birding program. International Migratory Bird Day this year concentrates on life cycles, so we are going to look at bird family life and migration, along with some great tips for beginning birding. We’ll supply treats too to keep the young ones ‘cropped up’. Bring binoculars if you have them, some will be available for use. Families with kids of all ages (or with no kids!) are welcome; however, children must be accompanied by an adult. We’ll be going for a short hike, dress appropriately.
Pincushion Partnerships Provide Plenty of Peddling
From 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday, June 1, Peddling at Pincushion, will provide an opportunity to learn about and explore the trail system at Pincushion Mountain near Grand Marais, MN. Many of the newly established single-track bike trails at Pincushion were built in recent years in partnership with the Superior Cycling Association, the Conservation Corps of Minnesota, and the Boy Scouts Order of the Arrow.
The Superior National Forest and Superior Cycling Association teamed up to offer this event in conjunction with National Trails Day. For contact information and directions see:
Birding Walk at Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center, June 1st 7am with Ann Russ.
Birding for Spring Migrants Nature Walk at Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center
Saturday, June 1, 7 a.m.
Join Ann Russ on Saturday, June 1 at 7 a.m. for a morning of birding, listening and watching for spring migrants on the Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center grounds. Bring binoculars if you have them. No experience necessary. Ann has been birding in Cook County for thirty years and considers annual bird migrations one of life’s joys. Meet on Chik-Wauk front porch. Free and open to all. Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center is located at 28 Moose Pond Drive, 55 miles up the Gunflint Trail. More information available from the museum at 218-388-9915.
Speaking of birds . . . check if the loon couple in the Chik-Wauk bay are sitting on their nest yet by visiting the live loon cam at The Chik-Wauk loon cam takes a new photo of the nest every fifteen minutes.