Mush a Month Away
It’s only a month until the 5th Annual Mush for a Cure Sled Dog Fundraiser on the Gunflint Trail. All of the plans and preparations are coming together quite nicely for what is going to be an incredible event. We’re still looking for some nice donations to use as gifts for the hardworking mushers who collect pledges to raise most of the money for the event. Last year they raised over $20,000 in pledges and they deserve a little reward for their toils. These gifts range in value and if you have connections or have something you think a musher would like(or we could use for a silent auction), then feel free to contact me. Or, if you want to just make a monetary donation you can do that through PayPal on the Mush for a Cure website.
Friday night, March 11th, will be the Pink Masquerade Ball. Last year’s Pink Prom brought out some great pink dresses so we’re hoping we’ll see some more fancy dresses and creative masks at this year’s event. Live music will be provided by Trail’s End Band so grab your dancing shoes for a great time.
Last year in addition to Cutting Hair for the Cure we had the first Bald, Brave and Beautiful contest. Four men who arrived with full heads of hair left with shaved heads after having raised over $5000! We’re still working on this year’s contestants but rumor is there may be a couple of famous mushers willing to participate and possibly a couple of radio personalities. We’ll let you know the lineup as soon as we get the participants confirmed.
Saturday will be the mushing event beginning at noon on Gunflint Lake. There will be a pancake breakfast at the Pines before and the Skijor event as well. Trail Center will be hopping on Saturday the 12th as teams make their way to the finish line. There will be food, games and live music by D’Merrit in the evening. It’s always a great time for an even better cause.
Make plans to be on the Gunflint Trail this March 11-12th so you can be a part of the 5th Annual Mush for a Cure.