Moose Collaring Update

Thanks to our summer neighbor Monica and some other key people Governor Mark Dayton is stepping in to put a halt to the collaring and killing of moose calves in Minnesota.

According to a Star Tribune Article yesterday, his office said that, “if humans are now the second-leading cause of death for collared calves, the additional risks to them aren’t worth the potential scientific gains. He has told the DNR that this spring’s calf collaring with be the last. And researchers say that even this next round will be cut short if calf deaths are too high.”

This is good news but it could be better news. We want the collaring of calves to be over now, we don’t want to wait until after this year after more calves have died due to collaring.  If you feel the same way then please voice your opinion to the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources which is the appointed group of legislators and scientists who are controlling the funding for this project.  Susan Thornton is the chair.

I want to know what is killing our moose but I don’t feel we need to collar calves in order to do so.

Moose in Minnesota
Moose on Sag Lake Trail

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