Make-A-Wish for Mining to Disappear?

I don’t know many 13-year-olds in my neck of the woods who would give up a wildlife safari in Africa or a trip to Disney World to go to Washington, DC to oppose mining near the Boundary Waters but a boy from Illinois did just that.

You may have already heard about it because it is kind of a big deal. Joseph Goldstein is battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia and he really wanted to be a part of the opposition to mining near the Boundary Waters. The Make a Wish Foundation hasn’t actually paid for his trip to DC because plans had to be made quickly and around his chemotherapy sessions but they are working with his parents to make it official.

Remember Dave and Amy Freeman who paddled to DC and got signatures on their canoe and on a petition to oppose mining?  It’s the same effort Joseph wanted to be a part of.  Here’s what he had to say,  “These petitions represent thousands of people like me who love exploring and playing in the beautiful woods and clear waters of the Boundary Waters. My experiences in the Boundary Waters have taught and given me so much, and I want to ensure this beautiful, wild place remains, unspoiled, for my siblings, friends and the next generation. Wilderness is important, and there isn’t much of it left. Mining has no place on the edge of a national treasure, and I’m proud to join my voice with thousands of others in urging our leaders to permanently protect the Boundary Waters.”

Quite remarkable indeed.


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