Mainly Sunny, Sunny, Abundant Sunshine
Any variety of the word sun is what I like to see in a forecast. While it’s not always sunny on the Gunflint Trail it sure has been lately. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for sunshine this Wednesday and upcoming weekend. Voyageur will be hosting a couple of different kinds of groups and it’s always better for youth(and their chaperones) when the sun is shining.
On Wednesday the 7th Grade class from Cook County Schools will be visiting Voyageur. This is an educational field trip that involves fire ecology, Firewise practices and GPS use. We hosted Abby’s class last year so this time it is Josh’s class. They divide into three groups and move from station to station. One station is Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center where they hike through some burned areas and learn about the different plant life. They also have time to visit the spectacular museum and find photos of my kids! Then they paddle over to the public landing, walk to our neighbors and evaluate his property based on Firewise Principles. The last station is at Voyageur where the kids learn to use the GPS and search for caches we put out. It’s a fun time for all involved.
Over the weekend we’ll host the Confirmation Class from Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Grand Marais. The kids will spend time paddling, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors. And if the sun is shining brightly enough then there will probably be some swimming going on too!