Local News
I have a difficult time keeping up with the news and in Cook County we only get a paper once a week. I make sure I read the entire paper even if I’m weeks behind because there is always something in it that makes me chuckle or wonder with amazement.
My favorite part of the paper to read is the Law Enforcement Briefs. There are a number of items that occur quite frequently such as dogs barking, kids being kids, lost wallets, loose horses, false burglar alarms, dogs in a vehicle, strange noises, loud music and occasionally petty thefts, gas drive offs, and suspicious looking people. I realize full transcripts of the actual 911 calls aren’t printed in the paper and there is always more to the story but on August 16th I read something that made me laugh.
8:50 p.m. Grand Portage: Caller said a guy stole his truck, but parked it at the Trading Post. The only thing missing from the truck was his sister.
For some reason I found this hilarious. There wasn’t a report of anyone being abducted or kidnapped and I’m guessing it was an issue of someone borrowing his truck and his sister could have possibly been inside the Trading Post when he reported it. In either case, it didn’t sound like a big deal that his sister was missing. Maybe I have a strange sense of humor.
I heard about a vehicle fire awhile back but I hadn’t heard any details. I found the article in the paper and the reason the vehicle started on fire. It turns out the people in the vehicle had placed some partially burned firewood into their vehicle and it started to full blown burn again thus creating a vehicle fire. Things that make you go, “Hmmmm.”
My second favorite section of the paper is a part where they write about news that happened in the past. There’s a brief from 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 50 years ago and 90 years ago. When we first moved here in 1993 I didn’t have any knowledge of the news that happened in Cook County and now I remember some of the stuff printed in the 10 and 20 years ago column, kind of scary. I found what happened 90 years ago on August 7, 1924 quite interesting.
Last week two bear got after the sheep belonging to James Kinney and killed six. One bear carried away a 200-pound live hog,which he dropped when Mrs. Kinney chased him. The pig came home the next morning.
They now have a night watchman to protect the domestic animals, which is evidence enough to show that the bear is entitled to no protection by the game department.
I hope you enjoy the local news as much as I do.
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