What started in Sydney, Australia last year has caught on around the world and millions of people will be participating in the 2nd ever Earth Hour. Earth Hour was created by the World Wildlife Foundation to make a statement about climate change. It’s simple to participate, just turn off your lights at 8PM your time for one hour, that’s it. Then you too will be making a statement about global warming. Here’s what Idealbyte has to say about Earth Hour.
Is 7 minutes in the dark long enough?
The Bite
Only if you’re an awkward, slobbery teenager. Otherwise, turn the lights off for a full hour tomorrow starting at 8 p.m. your time, and you’ll join millions of people around the planet coming together for a cause even greater than a teen’s first kiss: global warming.
The Benefits
- Immediate impact. Last year’s Earth Hour, which happened only in Sydney, Australia, had the effect of taking 48,000 cars off the road for an hour. This year’s event is global, so savings will be even bigger.
- Long-term impact. Earth Hour organizers are also raising awareness by promoting energy-efficient lighting.
- Fun in the dark, without being stuck in a closet. (But hey, if you wanna spend 60 minutes shacked up with your linens, it’s your call.) Get together with friends, and make a night of it.
Personally Speaking
We’re armed and ready for tomorrow night with beeswax candles and make-out partners.
Wanna Try?
- Turn ’em off at 8 p.m. your local time, Mar. 29 (that’s tomorrow).
- Earth Hour – pledge to turn off your lights here, and receive Earth Hour updates and tips.
If 10,000 Biter households turn off 10 lights tomorrow night for just one hour, we’ll avert the CO2 created by an average apartment in a whole year.