Leaf Looking

We have a wonderful young woman named Abbie working at Voyageur Brewing Company. She is from Jamaica and the other day I asked her if she was going to go look at colors on her day off. She gave me a strange look(like she usually does) and then said, “What do you mean?” I replied and explained it’s something folks up here like to do in the fall when the leaves are changing color. With the strange look still on her face she answered, “No, I’m not going to drive around and look at leaves.”

Looking at leaves must sound strange to other people too but for the swarms of people who head north this time of year it’s quite normal.  The colors are out and it’s all anyone can talk about, tweet about or post photos of.

I haven’t taken my normal quota of fall photos yet but if you’re interested in seeing what it looks like in Minnesota you can check out this website.  There is a photo gallery for each state forest and each state park.  And if you’re wondering if the colors are at their peak check out the DNR Website.   Whatever you do, don’t ask Abbie, she doesn’t care.

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