Lake Superior Day is Every Day in Grand Marais
If you live in Grand Marais, Minnesota then you might take that great big lake that borders the town for granted. It provides warmth in the winter, cool breezes in the summer and water for wildlife and humans. It’s the perfect backdrop to many great restaurants and has beaches filled with rocks for skipping. It’s an incredible lake and we’re lucky to live near it.
People elsewhere recognize the importance of Lake Superior and even have a day to celebrate it. Lake Superior Day is celebrated the third Sunday in July every year. There are events happening all around the lake to celebrate and you can find one on their website or just come to Grand Marais and celebrate in your own way.
What is Lake Superior Day?
Lake Superior Day was started in the early 1990s to highlight the importance of this great water body to the basin’s environment and economy. The Lake Superior Binational Forum promotes this basin-wide event to highlight the special connections people have to this unique world treasure.
Clean water is a basic right and necessity for all life. If you live near Lake Superior, you are fortunate to be living near one of the world’s largest lakes. Every day, each of the 600,000 human residents of the Lake Superior basin use water from the lake for drinking, home use, industrial use, or recreation. The lake is also essential for countless fish, birds,animals, and plants.