Just Right
Like the porridge in the 3 Bears fairy tale the rain we received Monday night was "Just right." It didn’t just mist, it didn’t come down in a deluge in a matter of minutes, it was a long, slow rain that equaled .67 inches at the Seagull Guard Station. We’ll take what we can get up here as every little bit helps.
The Appreciation Dinner on Sunday night was just right too. The weather was perfect, the food delicious, the band entertaining and over 150 people were in attendance. Mike did a great job as the MC handing out the awards to fellow fire fighters and all were pleasantly surprised. We had a fun evening bidding on the silent auction items and visiting with friends and neighbors from all over the County.
There was more visiting to be done on Monday at the Gunflint Trail Historical Society Picnic. Cars were parked all along the road leading in to Chik-Wauk and people sat elbow to elbow as they ate and visited about the museum that would open there in 2010. The volunteers did a great job putting the picnic together and things were just right there also.
As long as things keep moving along like this it’s going to be a good week and a great Labor Day Weekend.