Join us on the Gunflint Trail
There is always something fun and exciting happening around the Gunflint Trail. For those folks who don’t like to paddle there is still plenty to do. I wish I had the time to take advantage of all of the wonderful learning opportunities there are in Cook County.
Every Thursday from now until the end of August the Becoming a Boundary Waters Family group and the Superior National Forest will be presenting a seminar. The same seminar will be given on the Gunflint Trail and in town at the Rec Park on the same day. At 3:00 PM you can listen at Chik-Wauk at the end of the Trail and at 7:00 PM the presentation will take place in Grand Marais. You can learn about topics such as orchids, fish, moose and more; there’s a different topic every week.
Don’t forget about the chance to paddle with each of the outfitters this summer. Monday thru Friday from now until July 16th you can learn about the BWCA from a different outfitter each day. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about Becoming a Boundary Waters Family from Voyageur Canoe Outfitters every Monday at 1:00 PM.
There are always activities happening at Sugarloaf Cove, The Folk House and throughout the County so plan a trip and come up to visit.
Submitted by usfs on Wed, 06/16/2010 – 9:05am
Superior National Forest Dragonfly and Damselfly Extravaganza Weekends!
night. If you prefer to stay at a nearby hotel, you will need to make those arrangements yourselves. Meals will not be provided. Feel free to come for a day or the whole weekend.