Joel Labovitz Awards
Mike Prom of Voyageur Canoe Outfitters was one of the 45 nominees for the Joel Labovitz Entrepreneurial Success Award. Each year the University of Minnesota Duluth Center for Economic Development holds the awards luncheon to recognize small business owners who have dared to dream, taken a risk, and invested in the region. The 14th Annual Awards were held yesterday in Duluth at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. More than 300 business and community leaders attended the event where Mike Prom of Voyageur was nominated for the Mature Entrepreneur Award. Although Mike did not win his division I am still very proud of the contributions to the community he has made and how successful he has made Voyageur Canoe Outfitters. To see a list of the award recipients and nominees for the 2006 awards you can visit this website