Holy Wind Batman!
The wind pounded Northeastern Minnesota yesterday and well into the night. Winds gusted up to 35 mph on the Gunflint Trail while down in town it had to have been even more. Whitecaps could be seen everywhere with 2-3 foot rollers in the Grand Marais Safe Harbor. A boat blew off of our neighbors dock and into the water and anything that wasn’t tied down was airborne. What a site to see.
Trees were blown down all over the County cutting off electrical service to many residents and businesses in and around Grand Marais. We decided to spend the evening in Grand Marais last night since we had the Subaru and no chainsaw for the drive up the Gunflint Trail. We were also convinced we wouldn’t have electricity up the Trail but ended up having as long of an outage in Grand Marais. It was a short one, less than an hour, but it had everyone in town scrambling.
Today clean up continues and electrical crews are out trying to restore power to the over 1000 customers still without it. The temperature is cool along the shore about 44 degrees and up the Trail it is in the 30’s. Brrrr. That will probably affect our average high temperature for the month of September!
The good thing is there are still leaves on the trees. We thought they might all get blown off or all of the trees would topple over! Our colors along the North Shore are slower to turn this year and the best is yet to come. Come up for a visit, just hold onto your hats!