Have you heard of Nature Deficit Disorder?
It’s been a couple of weeks since Mike was down in the Twin Cities listening to the person who coined the term, "Nature Deficit Disorder." Richard Louv, author of the book, "Last Child in the Woods," visited the Arboretum in Chanhassen, Minnesota to talk about his latest book, “The Nature Principle: Human Restoration and the End of Nature-Deficit Disorder.”
Mike was able to listen to Richard Louv speak and get me signed copies of his two books. Richard speaks my language about the importance of getting people into the woods, especially children. He emphasizes the benefits of time spent with nature and how important it is for well-being. In his first book he focuses on children and in his second book he switches to adults.
Anyone who has spent time in the wilderness for even a short amount of time can recognize the multitude of benefits. A clearer mind, a sense of calm and an internal adjustment happens without realizing it and stress levels drop automatically. It’s an intense experience people aren’t getting enough of these days. Richard Louv stresses the importance of spending time with nature, not a new concept by any means, but one that should be recognized by all.
We invite you to come and spend time with Voyageur this summer, we’ll help you experience all of the benefits of wilderness travel.
Aldo Leopold saw the way “wilderness” functions as a learning "technology" for civilized man, the way it can stimulate and foster healthy development. Going to the wilderness, Leopold says in the Flambeau chapter of his million-selling Sand County Almanac (1949), allows a human space to organically learn and develop: to attempt, err, succeed, reflect, and so to learn.