Happy December from Voyageur
It’s hard to believe it’s the first of December already. It seems like yesterday canoe groups were coming and going and we were surrounded by Voyageur Crew. John is still here for 1 more day but then it will be just Mike and me. And of course the kids, dog, cat, fox, birds and other little critters that keep us company through the winter.
There are still plenty of things that need to be done but now we’ll have to get them done without the help of John. We sure miss having him when he’s not here; he’s my go to guy for all of the little things Mike is too busy to do. We also miss all of our other seasonal staff who have gone back to the real world.
Now is the time of the year we start to plan for next year. We’re updating rates on our brochure and website, printing out our reservation book pages, making file folders for permits to reserve, sending out brochures to people who have inquired and already taking reservations for next year. We also have to place orders for our outfitting food and equipment this time of the year. Then there are the orders for the store souvenirs and clothing as well as the occasional application for employment that comes in. In January the interviewing and hiring becomes an even bigger job as do the reservations and inquiries.
There are always plenty of things to do around a canoe outfitting business. There are tents to seam seal, packs to repair and things to be sewn. The cabins and lodge units need some attention as there isn’t time in the summer to move the stove away from the wall or vaccuum in the corners.
The list of things to do is long and always gets longer but we’re happy. We’re already looking forward to next summer when we’ll meet new guests, see returning ones and have the Voyageur Crew back, especially John.