Happy 4th of July
The 4th of July is a quiet time on the Gunflint Trail. We’ve taken advantage of this slow-down in business the past couple of years by going on a canoe camping trip the past couple of summers. It’s the perfect time of the summer to take a wilderness trip. The bugs are minimal, the water is warm for swimming, the fish are biting and the lack of visitors make for the ideal time to paddle.
The kids enjoy the canoe trip as much as Mike and I, if not more. During the busy summer months their time with their Dad is limited due to the fact he is spending most of his time with our guests. When we’re out in the wilderness away from Voyageur he is able to focus on the kids and they love it. They enjoy helping collect firewood, assisting with the campfire cooking and playing cards in the tent with him. He is the center of their universe when we’re out in the woods and that is fine with me.
I probably enjoy canoe camping with the family more than anyone. When we’re out in the woods Mike does the majority of the work, leaving me plenty of time to lay in the hammock and read a book. Since the kids are so tuned into him he is the one who spends the time taking care of their needs as I relax on a rock. Yes I am spoiled, I love camping with my family where life is definitely good if not great.
Our family wishes you a very Happy 4th of July!