Go Fish and Get Outdoors on the Gunflint Trail
It’s that time of the summer in Minnesota when an adult can fish for free if they Take a Kid Fishing. This is an opportunity to get outside during the Great Outdoors Month of June. If you can bring your kid(or someone else’s) to the Boundary Waters via Voyageur Canoe Outfitters this weekend or month then that would be terrific. We’d love to see you on the Gunflint Trail.
Great Outdoors Month
The following is adapted from an American Recreation Coalition news release and the June 1 SEEK Bulletin.
June 2014, as proclaimed by the President and each *Governor, is Great Outdoors Month (GOM) – a bipartisan celebration of American’s abundant and diverse outdoor recreation resources. Events across the country celebrate the event and help Americans respond to calls by the President and the Governors to hike, bike, fish, camp, boat, and otherwise enjoy the outdoors.
The event is particularly designed to engage Americans in fun outdoor recreational activities who might otherwhttp://www.americasstateparks.org/ise not participate. Social media and websites like www.recreation.gov and http://www.americasstateparks.org/ are being used to reach younger and urban Americans who may have trouble identifying fun outdoors things to do and where to go.
Current or upcoming events that coincide with GOM include National Fishing and Boating Week, June 1-8; National Get Outdoors Day and National Marina Day, June 14; and the National Wildlife Federation’s Great American Backyard Camp-Out, June 28. In Minnesota, all state parks will offer free admission on June 14 (National Get Outdoors Day) along with a variety of events. See http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/getoutdoorsday.html for more information.
GOM partners include American’s State Parks, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, USDA Forest Service, American Recreation Coalition, American Hiking Society, the National Wildlife Federation, and many others.
For more ideas on how to celebrate Great Outdoors Month, visit http://blog.nwf.org/2014/05/easy-ways-to-celebrate-june-as-great-outdoors-month/.
*See Minnesota’s proclamation at http://www.funoutdoors.com/files/Minnesota%20GOM%20Proclamation%202014.pdf
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