Feed Yourself
My favorite part of a canoe camping trip is meal time. At Voyageur Canoe Outfitters we have a number of great items to choose from on our menu. A few years ago we added lobster and it has been a real hit. Some people do not like to spend time cooking while out on a trip and then there are others, like Mike, who absolutely love it. He is constantly trying to think up new meals that are lightweight, tasty, and practical to prepare over an open fire or on a cook stove. Throughout the winter we try different items from freeze dried food companies as well as attempt our own recipes. There are so many aspects to canoe country cooking and product selection can be difficult since packaging in cans and bottles is not allowed. I came across a great site that has many different recipes for canoe camping trips in the Boundary Waters and Quetico. If you have any tried and true favorites then please be sure to share them with us.