Earth Hour
Today from 8:30-9:30 PM is Earth Hour 2009. Show your support for action against global climate warming by turning off your lights for one hour.
Is 7 minutes in the dark long enough?
The Bite
Only if you’re an awkward, slobbery teenager. Instead, get lucky for a full hour tomorrow starting at 8:30 pm. Join millions of people around the planet supporting a cause even greater than a teen’s first kiss: stopping global warming.
The Benefits
- Heavenly energy savings. In 2008, just one city’s (Chicago) hour-long participation helped reduce the amount of CO2 that 104 acres of trees suck up over the same period of time.
- Making it last. Earth Hour organizers are also raising awareness by promoting energy-efficient lighting.
- Fun in the dark, without being stuck in a closet. Get together with friends, and make a night of it.
- If 10,000 Biter households turn off 10 lights tomorrow night for just 1 hour, we’ll avert the CO2 created by living in an average apartment for a whole year.
Landmarks like the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, and Sydney’s Opera House will dim during Earth Hour.